Monday, July 5, 2010

Being a Grandparent

Scott and I really enjoy being grandparents.  Scott is fifty and I'm forty-seven, so we've got an earlier start than our parents who were in their late fifties.  We've learned a lot in the past two weeks.  It takes energy and time and lots of patience to watch your child be a mom!  I have refrained myself from "taking over" and have enjoyed watching Victoria take charge.  She's a very good mother to Kate.  She's patient, quiet, and seems tireless when it comes to 2 A.M. feedings and 5 A.M. feedings. Kate has had another hospital visit for jaundice and Victoria took great care of her there for three days and two nights.
Our son-in-law is in South Korea serving in the Air Force.  Watching Victoria being a "single" parent also takes some getting used to.  When I came home with my girls I was spoiled by both of my parents and my wonderful husband.  He ran errands, brought me items I needed, helped wherever he could, and was a great comfort to me.  Victoria has held up bravely without her husband and I know he misses her and the baby.  Victoria will turn twenty-two this Thursday and has become a wise woman in the past two years.
We hope that Leonard will get to spend the holidays with his new daughter and that the Lord will keep him safe.

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