Kate, age 3 1/2 - Kimber, age 18 mos., and Victoria, age 25 - Emma, age two
2014 holds the hope of some special blessings in our family. First of all, our daughter, Victoria, her husband Leonard, and daughters Kate and Kimber will be returning to the U.S. on May 2. When they return it will have been three years and five months since we last saw them. We have never met Kimber. They will be separating from Ramstein AFB in Kaiserslautern, Germany and moving close to Portland, Maine. I'm trying to figure out how quickly I can make it Maine or how quickly I can get them to Texas! They will be residing near his family in Maine so I now have a new vacation destination to see my grandchildren!
The next great blessing will be the birth of Martin Scott Meave (Max), due on May 22. This will be the first boy in our family. We have three daughters and three granddaughters right now. Needless to say, we are very thrilled to be able to buy blue jeans, cars, and trains. Emma will still rule the roost and I know she will be a very loving big sister.
God has been very good, He is always good. He has blessed beyond measure and given grace through the long separations and happiness on top of it all.
Scott is doing well, tearing the house up and putting it back together. We have two completely remodeled bathrooms and now my laundry/craft/pantry room is almost finished. He took down the wall that separated a small office and my laundry room and created one large workspace, complete with a twelve-foot counter with cabinets along one wall. I'm suffering from craft withdrawals as my supplies are in boxes awaiting the completion of the room. I imagine that's why I have time to blog tonight!
Alyssa is doing well and enjoys school immensely. She played volleyball this past season and improved from the beginning of the year. She is a faithful bus worker on the Tyler B-5 bus route and won the teen department award for seeing the most baptisms. This means she personally led people to Jesus Christ, obtained permission from the parents for the children to ride to Longview to church and be baptized, and helped them through the baptism process. She never had great numbers at once, she was just faithful at it, for which we are very grateful. Alyssa also enjoys singing in the teen ensemble and being in the teen department in general.
It's been one year since my mom's cancer surgery and she is doing very well. She will be eighty-six next week. I have to say that she still gets around better than some people my age. Sometimes I have to make her sit down and be still for a few minutes. I know she is aging and getting a little slower but she doesn't quit. I hope I can be more like that when I grow up...
That's what's going on in our world. We still serve a great God, attend a wonderful Bible-believing church, and amazingly, God is still using us.