Sunday, November 25, 2012
Alyssa's a Teenager!
Our number three daughter has just turned thirteen. She is now older than her two sisters were when she was born. (Victoria was 11 and Jessica was 12) That seems like a lifetime ago. From the first minute we knew Alyssa was on the way she has been a blessing to our family. Her kindness, personality, and good nature have always been like an oil on troubled waters with all of our ups and downs. She sees everything with enthusiasm and enjoyment. Well, almost everything. Not the most enthusiastic about room cleaning...although her room is looking better. :)
Jessica took Alyssa out to get her ears pierced, took her to lunch, and then took her jewelry shopping. How sweet! Alyssa's birthday fell directly on Thanksgiving day this year. We decided to do her birthday cake on Sunday afternoon since there were so many pies sitting around on Thursday. She didn't mind, that's just the way she is. Praise the Lord! She has seen someone saved every week for the past few months. We're so grateful for Bro. Josh and Mrs. DeAnna, Miss Sharon Carstens, and the other bus workers who encourage her each week. Her Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Dickerson, gave her a beautiful pink Bible and it means so much to her. During the service I noticed that she kept looking at her wrist. Her Aunt Marsha and Uncle NuNu gave her a charm bracelet. It is beautiful and she was so pleased.
Lord, I thank you for Alyssa and for the people who set the example and show their love for her with their kind words, actions, and thoughtfulness.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Today I'm sitting and typing (resting). I love the Thanksgiving holiday but my feet and back are always sore the day after! Scott and I got the notion to paint the living room last week. Ha! We're not 20, 30, or 40 anymore, we are just plain dumb. We energetically chose the paint (my brother's home color), prepped the room, moved furniture, etc. Then Scott edged the room and painted on Monday. Peter and Krisha Gabucci visited with us on Monday and just walked through the mess, bless their hearts! We had a wonderful two-hour plus visit, it could have been longer!
Room Before, above, Room after, below
The paint dried, we slowly moved the furniture around and hung up the last picture on Wednesday afternoon. All this plus babysitting Emma, preparing the rest of the house, food, decorations for Thanksgiving. Somebody, please keep reminding us we're not 40 anymore! Ha!
When all of the family and guests arrived and made themselves at home it was all worth it. I always love it when all have their plates and are seated at the table. There's no feeling like it - very blessed.
Our daughter, Victoria, and her husband, Leonard, hosted their first Thanksgiving dinner with guests from the base. German ovens are small, so they cooked steaks instead, with all of the other trimmings. I am very proud of their hospitality and effort for others.
This was our granddaughter, Emma's, first Thanksgiving. We are so grateful that the Lord has allowed them to live close by (around the corner) and that they are so faithful and active at church. We can see the family several times a week. She was sick this week and at the hospital ER and doctor's office, but she made it here for Thanksgiving day.
(Martin, Jessica, Emma - Thanksgiving day, 2012)
About 8:00 p.m. I started to log my calories on my calorie counter app. After breakfast, the appetizers, etc. the calorie bar chart went from blue (calories remaining) to bright red (calories over). For fun and honesty and I decided to go ahead and log every bite I could remember taking. Well, now I know why we only have Thanksgiving one time a year! I only had one bite of dessert and I still logged in enough calories for a family of four! :)
We were so honored to have a street full of cars and tables full of guests at our home for Thanksgiving. We may not always have this opportunity and we are so grateful to the Lord for His blessings and kindness to us.
Room Before, above, Room after, below
The paint dried, we slowly moved the furniture around and hung up the last picture on Wednesday afternoon. All this plus babysitting Emma, preparing the rest of the house, food, decorations for Thanksgiving. Somebody, please keep reminding us we're not 40 anymore! Ha!
When all of the family and guests arrived and made themselves at home it was all worth it. I always love it when all have their plates and are seated at the table. There's no feeling like it - very blessed.
Our daughter, Victoria, and her husband, Leonard, hosted their first Thanksgiving dinner with guests from the base. German ovens are small, so they cooked steaks instead, with all of the other trimmings. I am very proud of their hospitality and effort for others.
This was our granddaughter, Emma's, first Thanksgiving. We are so grateful that the Lord has allowed them to live close by (around the corner) and that they are so faithful and active at church. We can see the family several times a week. She was sick this week and at the hospital ER and doctor's office, but she made it here for Thanksgiving day.
(Martin, Jessica, Emma - Thanksgiving day, 2012)
About 8:00 p.m. I started to log my calories on my calorie counter app. After breakfast, the appetizers, etc. the calorie bar chart went from blue (calories remaining) to bright red (calories over). For fun and honesty and I decided to go ahead and log every bite I could remember taking. Well, now I know why we only have Thanksgiving one time a year! I only had one bite of dessert and I still logged in enough calories for a family of four! :)
We were so honored to have a street full of cars and tables full of guests at our home for Thanksgiving. We may not always have this opportunity and we are so grateful to the Lord for His blessings and kindness to us.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
"Chubby Bunny Kimber"
Victoria sent a photo of our three-month-old granddaughter, Kimber Layne. Her friends gave her a baby shower, for which I am very grateful. While at Ramstein Air Force Base it seems like they have made some very sweet friends. Kate is pictured with a dear lady, Corinne, who seems to always be there for Victoria.
You would think that seeing pictures would help you stop missing your family but, for me, it makes me miss them even more! I do pray with greater fervor and I guess the Lord knows that I need to!
You would think that seeing pictures would help you stop missing your family but, for me, it makes me miss them even more! I do pray with greater fervor and I guess the Lord knows that I need to!
Monday, November 5, 2012
"Blessed Beyond Measure"
We might be feeling a little creaky and old, but there are some benefits to getting older! I'm just posting a cute series of pictures of our granddaughter, Emma, eating her first whole cupcake!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Fall outing
Scott had Monday off after working a lot of long hours last week. The weather was beautiful, so we decided to take Alyssa out after school and take a drive out to Jordan's plant farm and Christmas village. It doesn't take much to thrill her. A drive, a few candy sticks, and a meal and she was in hog heaven!
Friday, October 26, 2012
"Proud of our Christian Heritage"
Photo 1 - Ernest and Emma Simmons, 1970
Photo 2 - Simmons family on the farm, 1934 (Joe Simmons, age 4, in front)
Photo 2 - Simmons family on the farm, 1934 (Joe Simmons, age 4, in front)
Photo 3 - Harold and Mary Petticoffer, 1997
Photo 4 - Victoria Costa, Jessica, Alyssa, Jennifer Petticoffer, Kimie Simmons
Were all of our forefathers Christians? I don't know, that is between them and the Lord. Were they all church goers? Probably not. The generations that influenced us were both. Were they perfect? No. Did they try their best? Yes. Do I honor their memory? Yes.
I just read an article written by the daughter of a Baptist preacher. She called her childhood and young adulthood unhappy, her father a cult leader, and she is no longer a professing Christian. She makes her living by telling her story of being a victim of Bible truth and then becoming a free spirit to healing powers of positive attitudes. I thought, "What a bunch of sad hogwash". The Bible is still true, God is still alive, the Holy Spirit is still powerful, and Jesus still is the Son of God. Unhappiness is not a reason to turn your back on these truths.
If you are unhappy, move to a happy place or take Zoloft, but love God. Start a new career path, but love God. The Lord never deserves to be abandoned because of the misbehavior of men on the earth. Men may misbehave, mistreat, or disappoint, but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and forever.
The Petticoffer home owes whatever success we have experienced to the Lord and to the Simmons, Chapman, Gerhart, and Petticoffer values taught to us by loving examples.
1. The Bible is true.
2. God is a trinity: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
3. Salvation is by grace, through faith, in the Lord Jesus Christ.
4. Baptism is a picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
5. Be faithful - to church, to your spouse, to your job
6. Work hard. Play hard. Have fun.
7. Keep a clean and neat home.
8. Eat meals together as a family.
9. Welcome guests into your home. Be hospitable, generous, and friendly.
10. Dad is the authority in the home. Mom backs up Dad. The children sit at the kids' table during holidays. lol
11. Live by principle, not personality.
12. Love unconditionally.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Alyssa's Salvation
Our youngest daughter, Alyssa, was saved this past week during our Homecoming Revival. Evangelist Rob Hicks preached a message on Wednesday night that really spoke to her heart. I usually remember everything about a sermon, but I don't about this one. Right in the middle of the message Bro. Hicks talked about Jesus' return to this earth, how that the word "rapture" was not in the Bible but that the truth is taught and that it will happen. I do remember him describing the mess this world will be in when saved airplane pilots, train engineers, drivers, etc. are taken off of this planet. Airplanes will be crashing everywhere, cars crashing, all because God's trumpet blows and we're taken off out of here. I was enjoying the sermon. I did think that it had been awhile since I have heard the rapture described like that. No worry, I'm saved and my immediate family will not be here. We'll all be in Heaven together...
Just at that point, I noticed Alyssa writing notes in her journal. We weren't given a point to write so I was interested in what she was writing. "I'm only 95% sure". I didn't hear another word of the sermon. She and I began a note writing session.
1. Salvation is a look to Jesus Christ. Isaiah 45:22
2. It is faith in Christ alone. Eph. 2:8,9
3. It is nothing we can do or feel. Romans 3:10, 23 - we are all condemned sinners.
4. It is faith in Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. I Corinthians 15:3b, 4
5. If you trusted Jesus, and Him alone, to save you, you will go to Heaven when you die. Romans 10:9, 10, 13
6. God is not the author of fear, but of love and of a sound mind.
Well, the invitation was starting so I made my way to the piano. I thought that she had it settled after our note writing session. As I was playing, I looked over my shoulder to see how she was doing. She was as pale and panic-stricken as I had ever seen anyone. She did not appear to have the peace and security of the believer. I made my way down to her and called her to the altar.
Alyssa has led many souls to Christ and I knew that she knew the Scriptures. Still, I wanted her to get this nailed down from Scripture, not words I said. We went through the Romans road verses and after making sure she understood that salvation is not her behavior, or words, or a feeling but faith alone in Jesus Christ, she asked the Lord to save her in her own words and prayer.
As a mother, I was glad she came to this time on her own. Our pastor was kind to speak to the congregation about children who grow up in church and how difficult it is sometimes for them to know 100% for sure that they're saved, since they have no sinful past with which to compare their new life.
Alyssa was baptized by her pastor tonight. We sort of joked with her, but she has a greater faith and understanding of salvation and the work of Jesus Christ in her life.
Our devotionals since then have been about salvation. The more we learn, the more we are amazed. There is nothing we can feel, accomplish, or work for in this world to deserve our own salvation. Salvation is all about God's grace, love, compassion, and mercy on undeserving souls like us! Praise the Lord!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Vacation in Vicksburg
Scott, Alyssa, and I had a mini-vacation to Vicksburg, Mississippi. We've been studying the Civil War this summer and Vicksburg was mentioned several times. Alyssa was so excited to get to see an historical place and with it being only four hours away it was the perfect destination.
We left on Monday morning, August 6, and took our time driving and eating lunch. When we arrived around 3:00 p.m. we noticed school buses throughout the town. I thought the bus drivers were just practicing their routes but there were kids on the bus so we were perplexed. We found out that the Vicksburg school system started school that day! This made our little trip less congested and calm. All of the destinations seemed less crowded than I expected.
In the 48-hour period we were there we were able to visit the...
1. Coca-cola museum
2. Doll museum - Alyssa loved this!
3. Outlet mall - Jennifer loved this!
4. Vicksburg Battlefield and museum, U.S. Cairo museum
5. Anchuca Mansion - Jefferson Davis' brother's home
6. Walnut Hill restaurant - located in an historical home
7. Vicksburg mall - not fancy, but GREAT prices
8. Riverfront park and Vicksburg murals
9. Several scenic drives
I didn't even mention all of the eating we packed into this time period. It's a good thing we were only gone for three days!
We left a little early from Vicksburg so we could spend time at the Pecanland Mall in Monroe, Louisiana. It is a nice place to stop and stretch your legs while you shop at Dillards....
Friday, August 10, 2012
Celebrating Kimber
Praise the Lord - We now have our third granddaughter! Leonard and Victoria Costa had their second daughter, Kimber Layne, on Thursday, August 2, 2012.
Kimber weighed 8 lbs. 5 oz. and was 20 inches long. All of the Simmons grandchildren were born at the Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview, Texas. Kate Lynn Costa and Emma LuAnne Meave were also born there. Kimber broke the pattern. She was born in Kaiserslautern, Germany at Landstuhl Army Medical Center. It was very difficult not to go through the doctor visits and hospital stay with Victoria but it was very good to know that she and Leonard were together for the birth of this baby.
Leonard called on the day of her birth and talked for over an hour. He seems to be taking fatherhood very naturally and was very happy about Kimber, even though she wasn't a boy! Victoria was able to go home from the hospital on Saturday and seems to be doing very well although she has her hands full.
Alyssa and I celebrated the next day by going out to lunch and shopping for fabric and patterns. It's time for Gigi and Aunt Sissy to start sewing so we can get good and making things for these little girls!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Meeting Family for the First Time
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Emi with Alyssa - 2012 |
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Mother, Emi, Aunt Sako - 1955 |
Emi has been calling my mother for the past two years and has been planning to visit America for a long while. Plans were delayed due to the earthquakes, tsunami, and nuclear power problems that hit Japan. For several weeks she and her family experienced daily tremors and lack of power. We have been looking forward to her visit, praying for her safety, and have been preparing the house for the past few months.
Because of my Texas upbringing I sometimes forget that I am half Japanese. I do not give that side of me its due attention. This week I have learned so many things about our family and have learned more of the Japanese language.
First of all, I didn't realize how difficult it was on my mother's family to have her move to the United States after she married my father. My cousin brought a copy of a 56-year-old letter written by my aunt to my uncle letting him know of the move my mother was about to make. My uncle kept that letter all of this time. One purpose of my cousins' visit was to assure that my mother is well-taken care of and happy. She told us that she would report to the family that all is beyond well for my mother here in America. She lives in a loving home, has many friends, and is very happy.
Secondly, I see that the hand of the Lord has been on my mother's life. Moving here to America was a great step in her knowing Jesus Christ and trusting Him for her salvation. This has made all of the difference in her childrens' lives and eternity. I am grateful beyond measure that God brought my mother here to America and Texas!
Emi loved the atmosphere of America. She loved the peace and quiet of East Texas. She felt that the people were very loving, warm, and peaceful. She bonded with several church ladies one afternoon and spoke of them on the way to the airport as if they were dear friends, and they are!
My heart has been made more aware of the need of salvation for my family in Japan and for all of the Japanese people. My world has grown larger and my burden greater. It is difficult to know that half of your family and your ancestors have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope you will pray along with me for the missionaries in Japan and for the Holy Spirit to work on their hearts.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Granddaughter's Birthday
Today is our granddaughter Kate's 2nd birthday. We were blessed to be able to watch her grow and spend time with her for her first year. For her entire 2nd year she has been in Kaiserslautern, Germany - Ramstein Air Force Base. I'm Gigi and my husband, Scott, is Pop-Pop. Gigi and Pop-Pop have sent many boxes of goodies to Germany and the last one was Kate and Victoria's birthday box.
The Lord has been good and blessed our daughter's family with good health and protection this past year. Their second daughter, the "child with no name yet", is due in about a month. Hopefully the child will have a name, I'm calling her Jennifer for now, and I will post it with a picture!
The Lord has kept us busy and needed in His service this year and that has helped with the separation. I now have a deep appreciation for many moms in my church who have children and grandchildren all over the United States, Costa Rica, and China.
We have our granddaughter, Emma, right around the corner from us so we can't complain too much. She is a real cutie and as smart as a whip. I have to laugh at her when I watch the "wheels turning" in her little eyes. She is five months old, has dark hair, gray eyes, and a silly grin.
This is a grandma post, maybe this week I'll update on our teen world with Alyssa!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Where Did it Go?
Yes, I am blogging. It's 1:38 a.m. and my brain is racing so to the keyboard I go. The past year has been very full and very blessed. Let me just give you a 12-point overview of the past episode of 2011/2012, or since I last blogged! Do I get a grade reduction for late work?
1. Our son-in-law, Leonard, was transferred to Ramstein AFB in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Our daughter, Victoria, granddaughter Kate (then one year old) moved to Germany to be with him on July 10, 2011. They will be stationed there for at least three years. (possibly the reason that my last blog was June 2011)
2. Scott, Alyssa, and I visited Scott's mom in Pennsylvania later in July. On the way we had vacation time in Chattanooga, Tennessee and Williamsburg, Virginia. We had a wonderful time with his brother and sister's families and celebrated our beautiful niece's (Katelyn) graduation. I have five nieces - all beautiful. Our nephew, Nathan Petticoffer became the brother that Alyssa never had and she still misses him almost every day. Have I told you that I have a nephew who's a firefighter? They actually fit the name "Petticoffer" on his helmet. We are so proud of him!
3. Alyssa began homeschooling in August. We use the same curriculum as her church school friends and stay on the same schedule and calendar. Having two adult children has made me keenly aware of the short time I have left with the youngest child. With counsel from our pastor and family we decided to keep her at home to be educated. We have thoroughly enjoyed this past year. The flexibility of the school day worked well to spend time practicing music, doing art projects, sewing, going on ministry work with her "bachi" and also allowed her to have oral surgery and keep up with work at home. That was a real blessing!
4. I have again had the privilege of teaching at Texas Baptist College. During the fall semester I taught the Christian Womanhood class, Concert Choir, Hymn playing, and TBC Chorale. During the spring semester I taught Music in a Soul-winning church, Concert Choir, Hymn playing, and TBC Chorale. I also teach ten piano students. The Lord has blessed us with young people who are teachable, spirited, and willing servants. The word that describes them best is "amazing".
5. Scott will reach his 19th year of employment at Weatherford International Lift Systems in a few months. His schedule is arranged so that he works three or four long shifts each week and has several days off in a row. He has tackled several projects including, but not limited to landscaping and resurfacing the back yard and patio, refinishing furniture, cleaning out the attic, and remodeling the main bathroom in record time. Our bathroom has moved from 1962 (coral pink tile) to at least 1999. I'm just kidding we are at 2008...
6. Our handsome nephew, Joe Simmons and his fiance' Liz Violett, were married on October 17, in Corpus Christi, Texas. We enjoyed being part of the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, and wedding celebration. The couple was beautiful and the wedding and reception turned out lovely. We had a few hours to visit the USS Lexington Air Craft Carrier. There are a lot of ladders to climb! Alyssa ran out of steam before her two old parents did. We had a great time.
7. Our other handsome nephew, Craig, got engaged to his girlfriend Devyn. They will be married in a few weeks in California. My sister Paula will get her girl and will be a mother-in-law.
8. Our daughter Jessica and her husband Martin had our second granddaughter, Emma LuAnne Meave, on January 5, 2012. The fall was filled with doctor appointments and tests. We praise the Lord for her safe and healthy arrival. She is such a beautiful and good, this is a grandmother's opinion!
9. Scott and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in San Antonio, Texas. No plans, no meetings, no one to see, praise the Lord. We went to church on Wednesday night and did whatever we felt like doing or not doing for the rest of the time - that was neat. Our hotel sidewalk led us to the Riverwalk so we enjoyed walking to our destinations most of the time.
10. My other beautiful niece, Meagan, went away to Hyles-Anderson College. We sure have missed her. She is very good about calling and skyping, so three cheers for her.
11. My brother Mark and his wife Kimberly will be moving to Shreveport, Louisiana due to his recent job promotion with the Brookshires grocery chain. We are so proud of his accomplishments even though we will miss living so close to them.
12. We are now preparing for a big occasion - My cousin and her husband are coming to visit us from Japan. I have never met any of my first cousins and they are excited to come to America, what they are expecting I do not know... Well, I'm excited to meet them even though we won't be able to communicate very well. I'm sure we'll drink lots of hot green tea and laugh a lot. My cousin, Emi, is 60 years old and probably half my size. I'm praying that she and her husband will be saved on this trip.
If you are reading this you must be a very dear friend or just plain bored. I will do my best to keep up with the day-to-day happening and major events.
"Last Days"
Today is our last day to spend with Victoria, Leonard, and Kate. We have been busy watching the sweetest baby on earth while her parents clean and pack.
I'm taking time to blog to ask you for your prayers as they travel to Kaiserslautern, Germany. Ramstein Air Force Base. They have a three-year duty there.
Victoria has always been near home, attended the same church all of her life, and has had the same circle of friends. Your prayers will help her with this adjustment.
I will post their new address and some pictures when I find out the details. Their email addresses will not change - (Victoria), (Leonard).
Thank you, dear friends and family!
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